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Discovery Questioning

Discovery Implications

12 min
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Matt Doyon

Chief Executive Officer @ Triple Session

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In this comprehensive discussion, we're going to delve deep into the pivotal role of implications in the art of sales. The ability to navigate conversations about implications is a skill that can make or break a deal. This session will provide you with invaluable insights on how to use implications effectively throughout your discovery process.

Mastering Discovery: Building Blocks

Before we explore implications, it's essential to recognize the foundation that has been laid during your discovery process. You've already covered the situation, delved into the current state information, and analyzed problems, pains, and challenges while conducting root cause analysis. Now, it's time to dive into the aspect of implications.

Understanding Implications

Defining Implications

Implications are essentially the negative outcomes that result from the persistence of an identified problem. Picture this: You've identified a problem, but what happens if no action is taken to address it? What are the consequences and impacts of allowing the problem to persist? This is where implications come into play, and they play a vital role in your sales process.

What Implications Are NOT

It's crucial to distinguish what implications are not. They are not the negative outcomes resulting from missing a goal or making a change. Implications revolve around the concept of inaction, the continuation of the present problem. This distinction is paramount in crafting a compelling sales conversation that resonates with your prospect.

Why Implications Matter

Understanding the significance of implications in your sales conversations is paramount. It addresses various essential aspects:

Overcoming the "No Decision" Objection

A significant percentage of deals are lost due to the "no decision" objection, which often stems from a reluctance to change. Effectively discussing implications early in the process can help your prospects grasp why they need to address the issue, irrespective of choosing to work with you.

Creating Ownership of the Status Quo

Implication discussions are instrumental in making the status quo a conscious decision. When your prospects realize the consequences of not changing their current state, the "no decision" objection loses its power.

Quantifying the Problem

To effectively convey the value of addressing an issue, it's essential to quantify the problem. By providing data and numbers related to the implications, you can paint a clear picture of the potential impact of inaction.

Attracting More Stakeholders

Discussions about implications have a ripple effect, often attracting more stakeholders to the conversation. Other teams and individuals within your prospect's organization may become involved in the solution, as they understand the potential cliff the company is approaching.

Increasing Solution Value and Creating Urgency

Addressing future negative outcomes through implications conversations increases the perceived value of your solution. This, in turn, creates a sense of urgency as your prospects recognize the need for immediate change.

Real-Life Example: The HubSpot Implications Case Study

To illustrate the power of implications, let's take a look at a real scenario where implications played a pivotal role. In this case, the sales professional was working with a company called Rock Content and identified a problem within their marketing automation processes.

The initial problem was the generation of insufficient Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs), which seemed like a $5,000 problem. However, the value of this problem was significantly enhanced by delving into implications.

The Domino Effect

When discussing the implications of failing to generate enough MQLs, it became evident that this issue would impact revenue, which, in turn, would jeopardize annual sales targets. This, in itself, would have a cascading effect, as it could put their Series A fundraising at risk.

By emphasizing the implications of inaction, the conversation shifted from addressing an MQL problem to dealing with a potential business catastrophe. The value proposition grew from $5,000 to a staggering $500,000, highlighting the magnitude of the issue.

Averting Disaster

Furthermore, it was revealed that the long-term implications went even beyond the financial aspect. Failing to take action could result in the company running out of money and ultimately facing the prospect of unwinding the business. The CEO's involvement became a testament to the gravity of the situation, making it clear that this was not a gamble they could afford.

In the world of sales, understanding and effectively utilizing implications can be a game-changer. By discussing the potential negative outcomes of inaction, you can help your prospects recognize the urgency and necessity of making a change. In this session, you've gained a deeper understanding of the role of implications and witnessed their transformative power in a real-world scenario. To further explore this topic and learn more about how to master the art of implications in your sales process, watch this session.

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