Expert-led courses for your team

Learn from the top 1% of sales pros in the business
Offer your reps courses designed by sales experts like Jed Mahrle and Brad Smith. Each course is packed with actionable advice your team can apply right away.
Expert-led courses with proven tactics
Certificates to motivate progress

Fix skill gaps with bite-sized sales training
Our AI helps you find the gaps, and our training library helps you fix them. Upskill reps with short sessions followed by a quick quiz to reinforce knowledge.
Match training to each rep's unique skill gaps
500+ short sessions with practice quizzes

Coach reps on key sales skills & methodologies
- Prospecting
- Presenting
- SaaS
- Sales Leadership
- Sales Core Competences
- Leadership
- Discovery
- Psychology of Sales
- Presenting Price
- Storytelling
- Speaking Skills
- Winning the Business
- Sales Presentations
- Referral Selling
- Prospecting for Leads
- Team Meetings
- Objections
- Prospecting Objections
- Productivity
- Prospecting
- Presenting
- SaaS
- Sales Leadership
- Sales Core Competences
- Leadership
- Discovery
- Psychology of Sales
- Presenting Price
- Storytelling
- Speaking Skills
- Winning the Business
- Sales Presentations
- Referral Selling
- Prospecting for Leads
- Team Meetings
- Objections
- Prospecting Objections
- Productivity
- Leadership Skills
- Habits & Mastery
- Dealing with Conflict
- Email Prospecting
- Root Cause Analysis
- Role Play Coaching
- Connecting Inbound
- AI For Sales
- Sales Management
- Rapport
- Psychology of Salespeople
- Negotiating
- Elements of Mindset
- Emotional Intelligence
- Video Prospecting
- Psychology of Buyers
- Sales Process
- Discovery Questioning
- Elements of Practice
- Creating Urgency
- Connecting Outbound
- Connect Calling Prep
- Interviewing
- Coaching
- Buyer Profiles
- Diagnostic Strategy
- Leadership Skills
- Habits & Mastery
- Dealing with Conflict
- Email Prospecting
- Root Cause Analysis
- Role Play Coaching
- Connecting Inbound
- AI For Sales
- Sales Management
- Rapport
- Psychology of Salespeople
- Negotiating
- Elements of Mindset
- Emotional Intelligence
- Video Prospecting
- Psychology of Buyers
- Sales Process
- Discovery Questioning
- Elements of Practice
- Creating Urgency
- Connecting Outbound
- Connect Calling Prep
- Interviewing
- Coaching
- Buyer Profiles
- Diagnostic Strategy
Key features
Courses & Certificates
Team Course Builder
Bite-Sized Sessions
Quizzes with Feedback
Moments Library
Training Analytics
Leaderboard & Achievements
Connect with the tools you already use
Triple Session integrates with the major call recording tools and the main CRMs, so you can get started in minutes.
What our users say about us
“Sales training needs a new look for a new generation of sellers. Triple Session matches how sellers learn with accountability, practice, and action. This will fundamentally change how we coach sales people.”

“I've seen quite a few of these new AI tools and yours has been the only one that does what it says it does.”

“I was genuinely impressed by the quality of the content and everything I was learning. When the next interview process came around, I felt confident and ready to showcase my new skills. After six interviews across three phases, I received the job offer!”

“With AI Coach, keeping the CRM updated improved a lot. We’ve integrated it with HubSpot, so the notes go straight there. We even set up a customized way to view the deal information, and it’s been working really well.”

“I've really enjoyed using Triple Session. Its very practical in my day-to-day for uploading information to the CRM, and it saves me a lot of time, at least 30 minutes a day, which is a big deal for us. Plus, I can quickly get insights to use in calls, which gives me much more autonomy.”

“Triple Session has been a fantastic resource to me as a sales leader to build a framework for ‘what good looks like’ in each type of sales call. I'll often refer back to videos and prescribe training in alignment with my call guidance.”

“With Triple Session I have experienced a transformation in my sales skills. The practical examples and clear approach have guided me from prospecting, discovery, handling objections to closing sales. Best of all, the platform is so easy to navigate that I can focus on learning and applying what I know. Highly recommend it.”

“I'll admit... I overlooked Triple Session as a company resource at first, but once I started using it, I saw how valuable it was for my development. With courses tailored to my field, it’s helped me deepen my sales techniques, keep current on market trends, and stay engaged — all enabling me to bring more value to Onfly.”