Decision Criteria - MEDDICC training session
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Decision Criteria

Matt Doyon

Chief Executive Officer @ Triple Session

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Did you know that the first "D" in the MEDDICC sales methodology is the crucial factor determining how a buyer makes decisions on your product, service, or company? In this enlightening session, we will explore Decision Criteria, the cornerstone of the decision-making process, and delve into strategies for navigating this pivotal aspect of sales.

What Exactly is Decision Criteria?

Decision Criteria can be likened to the guiding principles, specifications, and prerequisites a buyer or buying committee employs to assess a potential purchase. The nuances of Decision Criteria may vary among purchasers and companies, but they consistently form the foundation for intricate decision-making processes. In the realm of enterprise, mid-market, or complex sales, Decision Criteria can be further categorized into three subtopics.

Technical Criteria: Decoding the Rational Evaluation

For the technical buyer, Technical Criteria become paramount. These encompass features, functions, integrations, usage parameters, and terms and conditions. The technical buyer rigorously assesses whether your offering aligns with their existing scenario and how it fits into their technological landscape.

User Criteria: Where Emotions Meet Functionality

Directly linked to frontline users, User Criteria involves evaluating user experience, interface, and the overall interaction with your customer support teams. As a sales rep, this is your chance to shine by differentiating yourself through the emotional aspect of the sale. How much does the user believe they will have the best experience with your business?

Economic Criteria: Balancing Rationality and Emotion

Tailored for the economic buyer, Economic Criteria revolve around cost versus benefit and the payback period. While the rational components focus on metrics and quantifiables, the emotional element questions whether the buyer believes your business can genuinely deliver on its promises.

Navigating the Buyer's Journey

Before diving into the intricacies of Decision Criteria, it's crucial to understand where it fits into the buyer's journey. Starting with awareness, where problems and opportunities are discussed, the journey progresses through defining the desired change and culminates in the decision phase. This decision phase involves probing and defining how the change will be implemented – precisely where Decision Criteria become instrumental.

Handling Pre-Set Decision Criteria

Imagine your buyer already has a set of Decision Criteria neatly laid out in a request for proposal. How do you navigate this scenario for optimal success? The key is to deconstruct these criteria. By understanding the core problem or opportunity these criteria aim to address, you gain a contextual advantage. Answering the criteria questions becomes more nuanced, allowing you to showcase how your technical, user, and economic criteria uniquely solve the underlying challenge.

Constructing Criteria When None Exist

Conversely, many buyers may not have predefined criteria. What's the strategy then? In this scenario, you work backward, constructing the criteria with them. Starting with the "why" – why should they make any change at all? What problem or opportunity are they looking to address? As you guide them through the buyer's journey, connecting each piece back to the initial "why," you construct a seamless framework for Decision Criteria.

Understanding the intricacies of Technical, User, and Economic Criteria within the realm of Decision Criteria is paramount. Whether deconstructing pre-set criteria or constructing them from scratch, aligning each step with the "why" ensures a coherent and compelling narrative. As you embark on your journey to master Decision Criteria, remember, practice makes progress.

Watch this session to delve even deeper into the art of navigating Decision Criteria and enhancing your consultative sales skills. Good luck on the quiz – and always remember, practice makes progress.

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