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Timeline - GPCTBACI

14 min
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Matt Doyon

Chief Executive Officer @ Triple Session

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Did you know that in the intricate dance of sales methodologies, the timeline, marked by the elusive "T" in the GPCTBACI sequence, stands as a linchpin? A recent survey indicates that 76% of successful deals attribute their momentum to a well-crafted timeline. Now, let's unravel the secrets of this often overlooked but essential element in the sales process.

Understanding the Business-to-Business Timeline

In the business world, a timeline is simply a schedule dictating when a process or procedure will unfold. But the real magic lies in urgency—the force propelling your deal forward. Urgency, defined as the importance requiring swift action, is the secret sauce for injecting life into your timeline. So, how can sales reps effectively wield this powerful combination?

Discovering or Creating Timeline: The Dual Approach

Sales reps find themselves at a crossroads—either discovering the client's existing timeline or actively creating and influencing it. In both scenarios, understanding the pulse of urgency is paramount. Let's explore the seven crucial elements to master this delicate dance.

1. Tone and Pace: Setting the Stage for Urgency

From the very first conversation, the tone and pace become the architects of urgency. Crafting a narrative that highlights the impact of the problem or opportunity and scheduling follow-ups swiftly maintains the cadence, building urgency with each interaction.

2. Problem and Opportunity Focus: Living in the Customer's World

The customer's value lies in their problems and opportunities, not in market solutions or your company. Constantly anchoring discussions back to their world keeps the focus sharp, maintaining urgency throughout the sales process.

3. Cost of the Status Quo: Quantifying the Pain

Break down the cost of maintaining the status quo, making it tangible on a daily basis. Understanding the daily bleed reinforces the urgency, emphasizing the painful consequences of inaction.

4. Reverse the Timeline to Value: Initiating the Solution Journey

Take a step back and reverse the timeline. When will the client start experiencing the value of your solution? Urgency builds as you emphasize that the sooner they act, the quicker they will turn the situation around.

5. Simplify the Entry: Painless Progression Toward Solutions

After establishing the pain and reversing the timeline, make the entry into using your solution simple and painless. Facilitate the journey toward value by guiding them through the initial steps seamlessly.

6. Bring Unavoidable Change to the Conversation: Fear of Missing Out

Introduce an element of irreversible change, such as an upcoming price increase. Capitalize on the fear of missing out, compelling the client to act swiftly before the solution becomes more expensive or new features are introduced.

7. Verbalize Decision Throughout the Process: Combatting the Fictitious Competitor

The most common adversary in sales is the lack of decision. By consistently verbalizing the binary nature of the decision—move or stay the same—sales reps dispel the notion of a non-decision, maintaining momentum and urgency.

Case Study: Nudging Decision Through Daily Reminders

Consider a case where a lawyer contemplated H-1B Visa advertising. Facing hesitation, the sales rep relentlessly reminded the client of the daily cost associated with delaying the decision. Daily emails showcasing competitors gaining clients served as a powerful tool, reinforcing the urgency and cost of inaction.

Understanding the pain points, monetizing the cost of the status quo, and injecting urgency throughout the sales process are the pillars of a successful timeline strategy. As you embark on your sales journey, remember—practice makes progress.

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