How to Think Fast Before You Speak: Framework Thinking - Elements of Mindset training session
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How to Think Fast Before You Speak: Framework Thinking

Vicky Zhao

Founder & CEO Beeamp

Watch How to Think Fast Before You Speak: Framework Thinking
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Sales representatives often find themselves in situations where they need to think on their feet, answer questions quickly, and steer conversations in the right direction. Some seem to have a natural gift for it, but the truth is, anyone can develop the ability to think fast and respond effectively. In this session, we'll explore a powerful technique called "framework thinking" that can empower sales reps to be more productive and confident in their interactions.

Understanding the Challenge

Sales reps often struggle to find a point to steer a conversation toward, especially when they need to respond quickly. This challenge arises because they haven't trained their minds to think in frameworks. Frameworks are structured mental models that help organize thoughts and identify key levers influencing a desired outcome.

Leveraging Frameworks

Frameworks simplify complex topics by breaking them down into manageable components. Let's consider an example related to increasing revenue:

Framework 1: Revenue = Number of Units × Price

With this framework, sales reps can address any revenue-related question by focusing on two key levers: the number of units sold and the price. It doesn't matter how complex the question appears; you can always steer it back to these fundamentals.

Expanding Your Framework Library

To become proficient in framework thinking, sales reps should build a library of frameworks on various topics relevant to their role. The more frameworks you have at your disposal, the deeper and more insightful your responses can be. You can even connect different frameworks to provide comprehensive solutions.

Pro Tip: Combining frameworks can enhance your ability to address multifaceted issues effectively.

Consider this example:

Framework 2: Profit = Revenue - Cost

When a client seeks advice on increasing profits, you can apply this framework. It's simple—either focus on boosting revenue or reducing costs. Then, delve deeper into the chosen aspect.

  • If it's revenue, explore ways to increase units sold or raise prices.
  • If it's cost reduction, examine the cost structure, distinguishing between fixed and marginal costs.

With these frameworks, you can confidently address questions like, "How can my company make more money?" by tailoring your response to the specific circumstances.

Creating Your Frameworks

You can create your own frameworks by distilling knowledge to its essence. Just as Picasso simplified his drawings of bowls to capture their essence, you can pare down your understanding of a topic to its fundamental structure. This process enhances your ability to think quickly because you're searching for structures rather than isolated facts.

For example, in business storytelling, the "Ethos, Pathos, Logos" framework (credibility, emotions, logic) serves as a valuable tool. Whenever clients ask about improving their presentations, website effectiveness, or marketing messages, you start with these three levers. It's about identifying the essence and structure behind a topic.

Finding Hidden Frameworks

If creating frameworks from scratch seems daunting, you can uncover hidden frameworks online. Many authors have condensed valuable insights into articles and blog posts without explicitly calling them frameworks. Your task is to structure this information into frameworks for easy reference.

For instance, imagine you're discussing "How to Make Money Doing What You Love." While there may not be an exact framework readily available, you can leverage the concept of "Ikigai," a Japanese term for finding purpose in life. Ikigai already breaks down the four key levers: what you love, what you're good at, what you can be paid for, and what the world needs. You can link these levers to the broader topic, providing a structured response to questions like, "How can I find a fulfilling job?"

By building a library of frameworks and discovering hidden ones, sales reps can rapidly respond to diverse inquiries and demonstrate their expertise.

Framework thinking is the key to thinking fast and responding effectively in sales and other professional roles. Sales reps who develop this skill can confidently address a wide range of questions, provide valuable insights, and steer conversations toward desired outcomes.

Watch this session to learn more about the power of framework thinking and how it can boost your sales performance.

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