AI Coach: find and fix deal issues before they result in closed-lost using AI

AI For Sales

Mailshake Demo 2023

4 min
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Sales engagement software

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In today's competitive sales landscape, it's more important than ever for sales reps to find new and innovative ways to reach their target audience. One way to do this is by using AI-powered tools that can help them land more inboxes and generate more leads.

How AI Can Help Sales Reps Land More Inboxes

One of the biggest challenges that sales reps face is getting their emails opened. With so much email clutter, it's easy for potential customers to overlook or delete an email from a salesperson. AI-powered tools can help sales reps overcome this challenge by providing insights into what makes an email more likely to be opened. For example, AI tools can analyze the subject line, email content, and sender's reputation to determine which emails are most likely to be opened.

Highlights Of This Session

In this video, Maggie, the sales evangelist at Mailshake, demonstrates how their sales engagement tool can help users land in the inbox more frequently and generate more leads.

She begins by showcasing the platform's multi-channel campaign capabilities, allowing users to set up personalized outreach steps, including LinkedIn messages, phone calls, and emails, all designed to fill the top of the sales funnel effectively.

Maggie highlights the importance of personalization and deliverability, ensuring that users avoid spammy language and maintain a positive email reputation. The platform also provides A/B testing for optimizing email content.

Users can add their contact data using Mailshake's data finder or integrate with other software such as HubSpot, Pipedrive, and Salesforce. Once the campaign is active, the leads' responses are automatically captured in the lead catcher, where users can manage their prospects and funnel them to their CRM through native integrations or Zapier.

Mailshake offers additional features to enhance email deliverability, including tools to warm up email accounts and set up DNS records for a stronger reputation. The platform also provides a list cleaning tool that removes bad email addresses automatically. For email content creation, Mailshake offers an AI email writer that generates draft emails based on user-provided business information.

Lastly, Mailshake offers weekly live office hours and various resources for users to learn and optimize their campaigns.

How AI Can Help Sales Reps Generate More Leads

In addition to helping sales reps land more inboxes, AI-powered tools can also help them generate more leads. This is done by providing sales reps with insights into who their ideal customers are and how to reach them. For example, AI tools can analyze customer data to identify potential leads, track the progress of leads through the sales funnel, and identify the best opportunities for follow-up.

How Mailshake Uses AI to Help Sales Reps

Mailshake is an AI-powered sales engagement tool that can help sales reps land more inboxes and generate more leads. The platform offers a variety of features that are powered by AI, including:

  • Personalized outreach: Mailshake allows sales reps to personalize their outreach messages at scale. This means that they can send messages that are relevant to the recipient's interests and needs.
  • Multi-channel campaigns: Mailshake allows sales reps to create multi-channel campaigns that include LinkedIn messages, phone calls, and emails. This gives them a better chance of reaching the recipient and getting their attention.
  • A/B testing: Mailshake allows sales reps to A/B test their email content. This means that they can test different subject lines, email copy, and call to actions to see what works best.
  • Email deliverability: Mailshake provides tools to help sales reps improve their email deliverability. This means that their emails are more likely to land in the recipient's inbox and not in their spam folder.


AI-powered tools can be a valuable asset for sales reps who are looking to land more inboxes and generate more leads. By using AI-powered tools, sales reps can gain insights into what makes an email more likely to be opened, who their ideal customers are, and how to reach them. This can help them improve their sales results and achieve their goals.

  • How Mailshake uses AI to help sales reps
  • The benefits of using AI-powered sales engagement tools
  • How to choose the right AI-powered sales engagement tool

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