Book Summary:  EGO IS THE ENEMY by Ryan Holiday - Elements of Mindset training session
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Book Summary: EGO IS THE ENEMY by Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday


Watch Book Summary:  EGO IS THE ENEMY by Ryan Holiday
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The journey to becoming a better sales rep often involves more than just mastering your pitch or product knowledge. It requires a deep understanding of yourself and your own ego. Ryan Holiday's book, "Ego Is the Enemy," sheds light on how ego can be a formidable adversary on your path to success. In this session, we'll explore how ego can hinder your progress and what you can do to overcome it and become a better sales rep.

Understanding the Sales Reps' Enemy: Ego Defined

Ryan Holiday defines ego as an unhealthy belief in our own importance. It's that nagging voice in our heads that seeks constant approval from others and turns confidence into arrogance. Ego, if left unchecked, can sabotage your long-term goals and distract you from achieving mastery in your craft.

The Three Phases of Ego

Ego manifests itself in three distinct phases during your journey as a sales rep:

1. Aspiring to Greatness: In this phase, ego craves constant approval and worries about what others think of you. It prefers talking about your aspirations rather than taking meaningful actions. Ego can lead you to expend effort on things that feel like work but don't produce results, such as excessive social media engagement.

2. Achieving Success: When you achieve notable success, ego can mislead you into thinking that future endeavors will inevitably be successful. Overconfidence can cause you to take on too much, leading to poor decisions and resource mismanagement.

Find out the third phase in this session.

Defeating Ego with the Plus/Minus/Equal Method

To combat the negative influence of ego, you can employ the Plus/Minus/Equal method, inspired by UFC fighter Frank Shamrock:

1. Finding an Equal: When aspiring to greatness, surround yourself with peers or competitors who are at your skill level or ambition. These equals will challenge you to grow and prevent you from obsessing over public opinion.

2. Embracing a Plus: When success breeds ego, seek humility by reflecting on those who have achieved far more than you. Mentors or individuals with monumental accomplishments can serve as your "plus," reminding you of the vast world beyond your success story.

Watch the session to find out the third step.

The battle against ego is a crucial aspect of becoming a better sales rep. It's not just about honing your skills; it's about mastering yourself. To delve deeper into this topic and gain valuable insights into defeating ego, watch the full session.

Discover how ego can be your worst enemy or your greatest ally in your journey to becoming a better sales rep. Click the link below to access the complete session and arm yourself with the knowledge you need to thrive in the competitive world of sales.

Learn more tips about sales mastery in this other session.

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