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How to Give Product Demos That Sell Using These 5 Tips

4 min
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Dan Martell

Managing Partner

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Demonstrating a SAS product effectively can dramatically increase the speed and likelihood of a sale. In this session, we will explore a five-step framework to conduct a SAS product demo that not only showcases your product's capabilities but also resonates with your customers’ needs, encouraging faster purchasing decisions.

Step One: Focus on Demo, Not Tour

A common mistake many founders and salespeople make during a product demo is providing a step-by-step tour of the product. The key to an effective demo is to tailor it to address the customer's biggest challenges. This means directly showing them the features that solve their problems, rather than going through every aspect of the product. This session will guide you on how to shift your demo from a generic walkthrough to a targeted showcase that highlights the most relevant solutions for your customer.

Step Two: Connect with the Customer's Pain Points

It’s essential to reconnect the customer with the pain they are experiencing. Often, there is a time gap between when a customer first encounters a problem and when they see your demo. During your presentation, actively ask questions to unearth and reconnect with these pain points, and make sure to explicitly show how specific features of your product address these issues. This session provides techniques for effectively identifying and discussing pain points, making your demo more relevant and impactful.

Key Takeaways for Effective SAS Product Demos

  • Customize Your Demo: Tailor the demo to focus on solutions to the customer's specific problems, rather than giving a generic product tour.
  • Re-emphasize Pain Points: Actively bring the customer's challenges into the conversation and show how your product provides solutions.
  • Lead by Questions: Engage the customer with targeted questions to understand their needs better and to keep the demo interactive.
  • Highlight the 'Money Shot': Identify and save the most impactful feature or benefit of your product for a memorable moment in the demo.
  • Virtual Close: Inquire about the customer's buying process and potential obstacles, such as legal or security reviews, to anticipate and address any hurdles in advance.

By following these steps, you can transform your SAS product demo into a powerful tool that not only showcases your product but also aligns closely with your customers’ needs. This approach is crucial for accelerating the sales process and moving prospects closer to a buying decision. Watch this session to learn more about effectively demonstrating your SAS product and securing customer commitment more quickly.

Continuing from the foundational steps of effective SAS product demos, it's crucial to engage the customer actively and ensure they fully grasp how your product can be the solution they need. The following steps in the demo process are designed to foster this engagement and understanding, leading to a more compelling and convincing demo experience.

Leading the Demo with Strategic Questions

One of the most effective ways to keep a customer engaged during a demo is to lead by asking questions. This approach ensures that the demo is a two-way conversation rather than a monologue. By asking insightful questions, you can guide the customer to reveal their specific needs and concerns, allowing you to tailor the demo in real-time. This session will offer strategies for developing a list of impactful questions that can drive the conversation towards a deeper understanding of the customer's requirements and how your product can meet them.

Every demo should have what's called a 'money shot' or a 'drop the mic' moment. This is the part of the demo where you reveal a feature or capability of your product that directly addresses a significant pain point of the customer, ideally in a way that is both surprising and highly satisfying. This moment should be strategically placed towards the end of the demo to leave a strong, lasting impression. This session will guide you on how to identify and effectively present this key feature of your product, making your demo not just informative but also memorable.

Virtual Closing Techniques

The final step in the demo process involves understanding and facilitating the customer's buying process. This is often overlooked but is crucial for converting a successful demo into a sale. You should inquire about the steps involved in their decision-making process, including any departments or approvals needed. This understanding allows you to anticipate potential roadblocks and address them proactively. The session will provide insights into effective virtual closing techniques, helping you to navigate the complexities of the buying process and successfully close the deal.

In the final part of creating an effective SAS product demo, we focus on refining and perfecting the demonstration to ensure it not only addresses the customer's needs but also leaves a lasting impression, paving the way for a swift decision-making process. This involves fine-tuning your presentation skills and incorporating elements that make your demo stand out from the competition.

An impactful demo is not just about what you present, but also how you present it. Your presentation skills play a crucial role in how the information is received and perceived by your audience. This includes your ability to communicate clearly, your body language, and your ability to respond to cues from the audience. Fine-tuning these skills ensures that you deliver your demo in a confident, engaging, and persuasive manner. This session will provide tips and techniques for enhancing your presentation skills, including voice modulation, effective use of body language, and techniques for maintaining audience engagement throughout the demo.

Incorporating Engaging Elements into Your Demo

To keep your audience engaged, it’s important to incorporate various elements into your demo that go beyond basic feature explanation. This could include storytelling elements where you narrate how your product has solved similar problems for other customers, or interactive segments where you involve the audience in the demonstration. Including compelling visuals, such as infographics or short videos, can also help in making complex information more understandable and engaging. This part of the session will guide you on creatively using different elements to make your demo more interactive and engaging.

Recap: Key Steps for an Effective SAS Product Demo

  • Tailor the Demo: Focus on showing features that address the customer's challenges.
  • Engage with Questions: Lead the demo with questions to understand and align with the customer's needs.
  • Highlight the 'Money Shot': Save a key feature reveal for a high-impact moment in the demo.
  • Understand the Buying Process: Inquire about the customer’s purchasing process to identify and address potential obstacles.
  • Enhance Presentation Skills: Work on delivering the demo in a confident and engaging manner.
  • Use Engaging Elements: Incorporate storytelling, interactive segments, and visuals to make the demo more impactful.

By following these steps and focusing on delivering a well-rounded, engaging, and solution-focused demo, you significantly increase the chances of captivating your audience and accelerating the sales process. This session provides you with the comprehensive know-how to structure and execute a SAS product demo that not only showcases your product’s capabilities but also aligns perfectly with your customer’s needs, leading to faster and more effective sales conversions. Watch this session to master the art of delivering compelling SAS product demos.

Perfecting the SAS Product Demo Experience

As we conclude our exploration of crafting a compelling SAS product demo, the focus shifts to perfecting the overall experience. This means ensuring that every aspect of the demo, from the initial engagement to the final closing, is polished, professional, and precisely tailored to your audience's needs. Achieving this level of perfection in your demo is what sets apart successful sales experiences from the rest.

One crucial aspect of perfecting your demo is the incorporation of feedback. After each presentation, take the time to analyze what worked and what didn’t. This could involve directly asking your audience for their thoughts or reflecting on their reactions during the demo. Use this feedback to make continuous improvements. Tweaking your approach based on real-world reactions ensures that your demo remains dynamic, relevant, and increasingly effective over time.

In the ever-evolving world of SAS products, customer needs and challenges can change rapidly. Staying attuned to these changes and adapting your demo accordingly is vital. This might mean updating your feature highlights, altering the 'money shot' to showcase new functionalities, or changing the structure of your presentation to better align with emerging industry trends. Being flexible and responsive to these changes demonstrates your commitment to meeting your customers' evolving needs.

Crafting a Memorable Closing

The closing of your demo is as important as its opening. It’s your opportunity to solidify the value proposition of your product and reinforce how it addresses the specific pain points of your customer. A strong closing should leave your audience with a clear understanding of the next steps and the confidence that your product is the solution they’ve been looking for. This might involve summarizing key points, reiterating the 'money shot' feature, and providing a clear call to action.

Finally, ensure that the follow-up process post-demo is seamless and customer-friendly. This means having clear communication channels, readily available additional information or resources, and a straightforward process for moving to the next stages of the purchase. A well-organized follow-up process not only reflects professionalism but also eases the customer's journey from demo to purchase.

In perfecting your SAS product demo, the goal is to create an experience that is not just informative but also engaging, responsive, and memorable. By continuously improving based on feedback, adapting to changing customer needs, crafting a powerful closing, and ensuring a smooth follow-up process, you can elevate your demo from a simple product showcase to a persuasive and effective sales tool. This level of attention to detail in your demo strategy can significantly increase your success rate in converting prospects into customers.

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